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From the moment those blue and red lights showed up in the rearview mirror, you were probably aware that you had some fairly serious legal troubles ahead of you. A Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Driving While Impaired (DWI), or Actual Physical Control (APC) charge can be a nerve-wracking experience, not only during the initial traffic stop but for days and weeks after as you start wondering what comes next. You may feel out of control and powerless, like this one mistake will follow you around forever.
Fortunately, you have more power over your situation than you may have considered and we are here to guide you along the way to a resolution that will help you sleep better tonight.
In the state of Oklahoma, a charge of DUI or APC each carries two completely separate legal actions that can be brought against you.
The first case against you will be brought against you by will be aimed squarely at your driving privileges. Depending on the severity of your charge, you can face a license revocation of 6 months to 2 years depending on your past history, so acting quickly is absolutely essential. Starting on the date you receive notice from Service Oklahoma of your revocation, you have 30 days to respond to these charges by contesting or appealing your driver’s license revocation. If you do not take this action, your driving privileges will be automatically revoked and by law you are required to apply for the Impaired Driver Accountability Program (IDAP). This means you will be required to have an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle, which includes photographic surveillance and follow all of the rules and guidelines of the IDAP program until it is finished.
It is vital to challenge your license suspension for two reasons. The first is that it allows you to possibly retain your driving privileges while you fight the criminal charges against you. The second is that it will give your legal counsel an opportunity to view all the evidence against you, cross examine the arresting officer, and begin to plan a defense strategy. Filing an appeal and regaining your ability to drive after a DUI, or APC charge will greatly improve your quality of life after an arrest. It can also positively impact your criminal case if you win back your driver’s license and our firm has a very successful track record of winning back client’s right to drive while their case is pending.
One other option that became available on November 1, 2024, for people facing a 180-day revocation is to forgo filing an appeal and enroll in the IDAP program. The benefit of this is that it keeps the revocation off of their driving record. However, to take advantage of this a person must enroll in the IDAP program within 30 days of the arrest. This means the person will not know whether Service Oklahoma is going to take revocation action against their license or not at the time. A Hunsucker Legal Group attorney can more fully discuss this with you at a free consultation.
The second case against you is the criminal case, pursued by prosecutors and ruled on by a judge or jury, with potential punishment that includes jail time, community service, court costs, fines, probation, DUI school, a victim impact panel, and more. One of the most detrimental aspects of any DUI or APC charge in Oklahoma is a permanent mark on your criminal record can keep you from pursuing your goals, barring you from jobs, housing, educational opportunities, loans, and even child custody.
If you possess a Commercial Driver’s license, or CDL, you could be disqualified for one year or a lifetime, which means you cannot drive for work.
If you are found guilty of DUI in Oklahoma, you will face a minimum jail sentence of 10 days—even if it is your first DUI offense. Depending on the details of the case, you could serve up to one year in jail; depending on the court in which your charge is filed, you could end up paying as much as $1,000 in fines. The only exception is where the charge is filed in the Oklahoma City or Tulsa Municipal Court where the penalty is up to six months in jail and a fine up to $1200.00
If you have prior DUI convictions on your record, your current case could be elevated to a felony DUI, which carries a minimum one-year jail sentence. Depending on the number of previous offenses, you could face up to 20 years in the state penitentiary if convicted.
A DUI or APC arrest does not automatically mean that you will be convicted, or that the charge will remain a part of your permanent criminal record. It does, however, mean that you will need to be prepared to fight the charges against you.
At Hunsucker Legal Group, we know this fight, because we have successfully fought it over and over for decades. Ultimately, it comes down to one simple tactic, preparation. We walk into a courtroom better informed and better prepared than the prosecution, thanks to a vigorous approach that gives us a real insight into the case against you.
Beyond gathering our own evidence and witnesses, we have incredible resources at our disposal to prove your innocence. Just as one example, we own the exact same Intoxilyzer 8000 breath testing machine that the government uses and we know everything about this device including all of its flaws. Not only are we certified in operating this device, but we also hold certifications in a range of different field sobriety tests and we can use that knowledge to question the reliability and accuracy of them, contesting the evidence against you.
We have a full time DUI Investigator on our staff to do our own investigation of what happened leading up to your arrest. Additionally, we are the only firm in Western Oklahoma that has a full time Driver’s License Attorney that is a former top litigator for the Department of Public Safety. He has successfully sued DPS and the Governor resulting in thousands of drivers getting their driving privileges back.
In short, we make it a point to know more about your arrest and evidence than the officer who arrested you.
That wealth of knowledge and our granular approach to the evidence for your case gives us an edge that has proven successful for countless clients facing DUI, DWI, and APC charges.
Our objective is to regain your privilege to drive, keep you from having a criminal record, help you regain your dignity and reputation, and make certain you do not return to jail. It’s a feat we’ve accomplished thousands of times against prosecutors who are determined to pursue convictions.
We do this by empowering you, educating you, and helping you make informed decisions that will lead to the best possible outcome. The prosecution has evidence against you, but there is always a defense to anything they present in court. For example, reasonable suspicion and probable cause for the initial traffic stop can be questioned. Test results can be nullified due to health problems, improper testing, police mistakes, or problems with the equipment. The case against you looks imposing, but it is riddled with cracks and we will find all of them, no matter how small.
Our founder, John Hunsucker, built his reputation as Oklahoma’s top DUI attorney in and out of the courtroom, authoring more than 16 books on criminal defense and DUI and arguing against the Oklahoma Government on landmark cases. As the only board-certified DUI attorney in Oklahoma City, he is one of just 50 lawyers across the country to earn this title.
He has the expertise, experience, and team to mount the best legal defense against your DUI, DWI, or APC charges and have them reduced or dismissed. By scheduling a free, no-obligation case evaluation with the Hunsucker Law Group, you will realize that your current situation is not as bad as you thought and there are countless ways to contest the charges against you.
The Man Who Wrote The DUI Book: When it comes to DUI defense, John Hunsucker wrote the book – literally.
If you have been charged with DUI, APC, DWI or other alcohol related crimes, it is imperative that you seek credible, professional representation in order to have the best possibility of reaching a favorable resolution. The Hunsucker Legal Group in Oklahoma City represents hundreds of clients facing DUI, DWI, APC, and other alcohol-related offenses every year. You deserve the best possible outcome for your pending charges and our attorneys will help you achieve that goal.
With constant changes in the law, more rigid prosecution tactics, and new BAC testing techniques, Co-Author John Hunsucker wanted to provide a DUI book that covers it all. The Oklahoma DUI Defense: The Law and Practice, Second Edition is the result of his efforts, and it allows you to receive the power of knowledge to better understand your DUI defense. More Information
If you have been charged with DUI or any other crime in Oklahoma, seek professional help by calling 405-231-5600 to schedule your free no obligation consultation. Conveniently located in downtown Oklahoma City with free on site parking. Telephone consultations are available for those outside of Oklahoma City.
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